ENG504 Handouts, Assignments, and Mid- and Final Term Past Papers are discussed. By examining important issues, concepts, findings, and theories, this course will familiarize students with the most recent research on second language acquisition (SLA) and provide them the chance to critically assess models and theories of SLA. The course covers a wide range of subjects, such as language processing, age, input and interaction, input and processing, SLA pedagogy, and learning environment. It also looks at the importance of the native language, the impact of the second language on the L1, the universals of language, and age.
The course’s empirical component gives students experience in planning and carrying out investigations on second language acquisition. Languages other than the native tongue, languages used for more extensive communication within the local area or community, and foreign languages are all considered to be second languages. Either formal, organized, systematic learning or informal, unstructured learning is possible. The study of second language acquisition (SLA) places more emphasis on students’ learning than on teachers’ instruction.

ENG504 Handouts, Assignments, Mid & Final Term Past Papers
The study of second language acquisition (SLA) focuses on the fundamental issues of how learners internalize another language’s grammatical structure and use it for comprehension and speech output.
It is possible to study and acquire a second language once the first language acquisition is established. For instance, when a youngster begins attending school and speaks Hindi as his first language, he begins learning English.
Similar to every facet of human development, language acquisition will be greatly impacted.
Unless the environment is suitable, the potential for growth may be severely constrained. An environment that stimulates people’s natural curiosity, intelligence, and creativity is necessary for them to thrive. Our capacity for biological development. The trajectory of development is largely determined internally, but this does not mean that it will proceed arbitrarily or in the absence of opportunity, stimulus, or attention (Chomsky, 1960).
The word “theory” has a specific connotation in the social and natural sciences. A somewhat abstract set of claims about the key elements of the phenomenon under study is called a “theory.”
It seeks both an explanation and a description. Theories are developed collectively and follow a structured process. These are evaluated via a reflexive approach and hypothesis testing. A workable theory should be able to clearly state its claims in clear and concise terms. It must be testable or defensible in some way.
Linguists view language as a complex kind of communication that requires multifaceted analysis.
The “transition theory” is more focused on how language education develops its students. It is curious to know the various learning stages that a second language learner goes through. By outlining the many stages of learning that a child goes through and drawing comparisons or contrasts between them and the acquisition of a second language, it can be connected to the acquisition of a first language.
Moreover, theories are distinct from frameworks and models. These later structures refer to sets of ideas and concepts that are not limited to theories.
Although they may incorporate certain theories, their primary purpose is usually to describe rather than to explain or predict.
They can create connections between many objects and provide some description of what occurs, although they may also
Lesson Learning Objectives
Following the completion of this course, students will be qualified to:
- acquire knowledge of the key SLA principles
- and learn about the concepts, approaches, and findings in the SLA discipline.
Stats regarding second language learners ought to be investigated from multiple perspectives.
- Examine and debunk certain fallacies regarding language acquisition and learning.
- hone a personal awareness of cultural and second language acquisition methods.
- Conduct studies to find effective classroom teaching and learning strategies.
The most significant phenomenon in the world is language. Language controls every part of our life, from conception to death.
In every element of human life, language rules. In actuality, it serves as a dividing line between us and other creatures. A means of communication is language. We may communicate our thoughts and feelings to others by using language. A civilization without language is unimaginable. Language is learned: The process of acquiring a language is not automatic.
Of course, it is behavior, but not the kind that comes to a youngster naturally like walking and crawling.
There is a linguistic system in place; each language has its own. Language is made up of sounds, structures, and vocabulary. Anyone wishing to study a New vocabulary, new grammar rules, and new sounds will all need to be learned. Languages differ in their sound systems according to the civilization to which they belong. Every language has a unique vocabulary system as well. Languages are hence inherently systematic.
Learning a language is an activity that requires competence. It’s like riding a bike or swimming; we can’t learn to swim or cycle by just studying the rules; we have to practice. Similarly, we can learn a language by using it repeatedly. For this reason, it’s important to practice your main language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Language is the means of communication: Language is the most effective means of both self-expression and communication. Language is the primary means by which humans express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
ENG504 Handouts:
The page “ENG504 Handouts” that is linked has handouts.
ENG504 Past Papers:
ENG504 Midterm Past Papers:
ENG504 Midterm Past Papers will be available soon.
ENG504 Final Term Past Papers:
ENG504 Final Term Past Papers will be available soon.
ENG504 Assignments:
ENG504 Assignments will be available soon.
ENG503 Handouts, Assignments, Mid & Final Term Past Papers