AAUW American Fellowships

The AAUW American Fellowships Program began in 1888 when women were discouraged from getting an education. It is AAUW’s largest scholarship program and the oldest non-institutional source of graduate funding in the United States.

AAUW American Fellowships Summary

Dissertation Fellowship$25,000
Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship$50,000
Short-Term Research Publication Grant$8,000
OpensAugust 1 every year
DeadlineNovember 1 every year
AAUW American Fellowships Summary

Eligibility Criteria for AAUW American Fellowships

  • American Scholarships are not open to previous recipients of any national AAUW scholarship or grant (does not include branch or local awards or community action grants).
  • Board members, committees, panels, task forces, and staff, including current interns, are not eligible to apply for AAUW scholarships and grants.
  • The current award holder may be elected or appointed to boards, committees, panels and working groups.
  • Candidates for the American Fellowship must be US citizens or permanent residents.
  • AAUW American Fellowships are open to women, including people who identify as women, in all fields of study at an accredited institution of higher learning. AAUW will make the final decisions on what constitutes eligible institutions.
  • Applicants cannot apply for another national scholarship or AAUW grant in the same year.
AAUW American Fellowships
AAUW American Fellowships

AAUW American Fellowships Coverage

  • Educational expenses (American Dissertation Fellowship and American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship only).
  • Cost of living.
  • Caring for a dependent child.
  • Travel to professional meetings, conferences, or seminars not exceeding 10 percent of the fellowship total (American Dissertation Fellowship and American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship only).

American Fellowships funds are not available for:

  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Indirect costs.
  • Research assistants.
  • Previous expenses, deficits, or loan repayments.
  • Publication costs (excluding US short-term publication grants).
  • Institutional (overhead) costs.
  • School fees for the education of dependents.
  • Tuition for coursework is in addition to the credits required to maintain full-time status while completing the dissertation.
  • Extended Field Research (applicable to American Dissertation Fellowships only).

Apply for AAUW American Fellowships Coverage

Start the application process by clicking the Apply button below to access the application and create an account through our supplier site. Complete all required components on the following tabs.

  • Start
  • Background
  • Proposal
  • Recommendations, Documents & Review


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